Neuroscience UG
From Neurogenesis to neurodegeneration: understanding the mechanisms to propose solutions
Introducing the Neuroscience Lab
To clarify the molecular anatomy of neurogenic processes.
To understand the role of the thyroid hormones in adult neurogenesis.
To study the pathophysiological phenomena that occur in neurodegenerative diseases.
To carry out research that allows proposing possible therapeutic strategies.
The Neuroscience Lab-UG explores the function of the central nervous system, both in normal and pathological conditions. Specifically, we focus on the neurogenic and neurodegenerative processes and the role of Thyroid Hormones in them.
Our strategies
Our research is translational. We study adult neurogenesis and neurodegenerative processes in clinical, in vivo, and in vitro models.
We use biophotonics, deep learning, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging analysis, electrophysiology, nucleic acid transfection, and gene expression analysis for a multi-disciplinary morphological, physiological, cellular, and molecular analysis approach.
Our objetives
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Göttingen, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow: Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine, Italy
Ph.D. in Neurobiology: University of Padua, Italy.
Master: National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Medical Doctor: University of Puebla, Mexico.
Lab Managers
Víctor Hugo Hernández González, MD., Ph.D.
Full time professor
Dra. Silvia Alejandra López Juárez, Ph.D.
Full time professor
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Aix-Marseille, France.
Ph.D. in Neurobiology: National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France.
Master in Neurobiology: National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Chemist Pharmacobiologist: University of Guanajuato.
Lab members
Ma. de los Ángeles
Garduño Robles
Former members
Edson Daniel
Hernández Velázquez
Castaño González
Edna Ahtza Esparza Arellano
Diego Carmona Montiel
Luz Adriana Martínez Zavala
Current Members
Corona Elizárraraz
“Development of a biosensor to detect Thyroid Hormones”
Chemical Sciences PhD
program at Universidad de Guanajuato
Molecular Chemistry PhD program
at École National Supérior de Chimie Paris
Carla María Jaramillo Restrepo
“Biophotonic and molecular
analysis of tubulinopathies"
PhD in Optical Science program
Center for Research in Optics
Óscar Daniel Hernández Álvarez
“In vivo transfection of the neurogenic niche in murine models”
Applied Sciences Master Program
at Universidad de Guanajuato
Leonardo Daniel
Gutiérrez Valderrama
“Visual physiology in neurodegenerative diseases”
Applied Sciences Master Degree program
Juan Andrés
Silva Rodríguez
“Neural network for super-resolution analysis of microtubules involved in neurodegenerative diseases"
Applied Sciences Master Degree Program
Citlalli Aurora Montes Centeno
“In vitro analysis of the effects of the TUBB4A mutations"
Applied Sciences Master Degree Program